
Humanity has progressively organized itself, moving from dispersion and individual struggle for survival since the emergence of Homo Sapiens, to ever larger and better structured collective living spaces. Thus, from the small collective spaces of the tribe, the family and the village, we have moved on to cities, regions, states and the federation of states. Finally, the previous century saw the birth of the first great planetary political organizations: the League of Nations in 1920 and the United Nations Organization in 1945. Now, humanity must continue to move towards the creation of a global world political space, underpinned by rules and institutions whose center of gravity is to liberate the talents of each individual. The north is what we call the “One Humanity World”, where each person acquires a new central value.

The world is at a major crossroads towards exponential progress. Advances through the application of artificial intelligence systems and the dissemination of knowledge through open communication on a planetary scale, are increasingly promising. We must work to ensure that the entire development of artificial intelligence is at the complete service of humanity, and we must move towards structuring the world politically, overcoming the divisions between groups, in order to achieve a global planetary constitution. States fulfil the great function of organizing collective life in the different corners of the planet. They are now called upon to contribute to encourage their citizens to transcend its limits and to enter into the effort to feel, within the valuable diversity, parts of a single whole: Humanity. The world of “One Humanity” seeks to achieve the creation of this global political space without fragmentation and based on the empowerment of each and every one of its members.

It is essential to set the right goal. The time of arrival is a secondary variable. Joining wills in this noble endeavor is essential. We, the people, are the force.

"Frontiers?. I have never seen one. But I have heard that they exist in the minds of some people"
Thor Heyerdahl